Friday, July 9, 2010

2010 Emmy Award Nominations

One of Meredith's many make-up friends called her up yesterday. She said "Congratulations!". Meredith said "for what?". To which her friend replied "for your Emmy Nomination!"
Sure enough, she's been nominated for an Emmy for her work on the HBO bio-pic "Temple Grandin".
"Temple Grandin" was shot around Austin over a few months a few summer's ago.
It was a pretty stressful shoot for her. She'd come home crying almost every night as the department head seemed to really ride her hard. But she stuck it out.
So it's nice that she's being rewarded and recognized for her hard work. Hopefully she'll win, but even if she doesn't, it's a great resume builder just to be able to say she's been nominated. I'm pretty proud of her.
She's come a long way from slinging java in a coffee shop and picking up make up jobs for no budget film projects on the weekends.
Though for a true showcase of her creative talents, we'll have to wait for Robert Rodriguez's "Machete" to be released in September.
Now I have to find a tux somewhere...

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