Monday, March 10, 2008

Rambling inaugural post

I thought I'd throw a little blog together to speak my mind about various things going on in my life. Some kind of destination for people to check up on me if they are curious as to what I'm up to.
Whether it becomes something I keep up-to-date on a regular basis remains to be seen.
I've got an upcoming trip to Scotland so this seemed like a good time to start.

Rob, my older brother, is re-marrying. His new wife was close to a grandmother who was of Scottish descent, so they wanted to have a nice very small micro wedding ceremony in Scotland to honor her. Which is fine by me...I've never been to Scotland. The wedding should be quick leaving us to spend the rest of the week tooling around the Scottish countryside.
I'll have to get some tips from Mom on how to sit with a skirt.

Meredith is working on a film doing regular make-up. Some tweenie show about a couple of "high-school kids" trying to win a "Battle of the Bands" kind of competition (think High School Musical. Yuck). She came home one time quite delirious after listening to the same song loop for hours. I asked her if she remembered how the song went....apparently, it was such a tortuous and traumatic experience that she had blocked it from her memory! She'll probably need therapy after the shoot is over.
Troy, our Weimaraner, might make a cameo. They need a couple of dogs to howl. I'm assuming that they will be voicing their opinion of these kids' musical talents. We'll see. I hoping we don't turn into one of those "Show Moms & Dads" couples shuttling their kids to every audition in town. Troy's pretty photogenic. Meredith volunteered him to be a model once for a stock photo shoot she was working on. He looked a lot better than the "stock" fake family that was supposed to be the focus of the shoot.

We leave for Scotland on Friday. More later.

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