Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stage Fright

Troy didn't get the part. Yesterday we met with the trainer at the location. He worked with him for over an hour. The trainer finally determined that Troy would need a lot more training time to be able to be ready for the scene. More time than they have. He said Troy had a good grasp of his basics so that wasn't the problem. Troy is a bit scared of anything that looks and sounds unusual so being on a set with a lot of people moving around, a lot of equipment being moved around and banging and other noises...he would just have a hard time. Since Troy was a rescue were not all sure what might have happened to him. The trainer thought that there might be the possibility that he might have been abused. How anyone could think to abuse such an awesome gentle animal is beyond me. Sounds like they are filming the scene on Monday, which wouldn't have worked for me anyway since I'll be in Scotland by then. I think he was a little sad he wouldn't be in the movie.

Meredith, Carolynn and I went to see the SXSW screening of "Choke" which is an adaptation of the Chuck Palahniuk novel by the same name. Meredith and I have both read the book and I was quite pleased that they actually did a pretty good job of getting it on to the screen. The book is better of course, going into a lot more detail, but you can only get so much of it onto the screen. The film was still able to capture a lot of the humor and there were many times the entire theater was laughing hysterically. There were a few continuity errors I noticed and the edit just seemed like it could have been tighter at some points. The cuts for the dialog seemed to just seesaw back and forth to whoever was speaking, kind of slowing the pacing down. Overall, still a good watch.

Meredith just informed me that she will be gone for a gig in Galveston for the week after I get back from Scotland. Sucks that it will be about 2 weeks I won't see her. She tells me that she'll be airbrushing Brad Pitt's ass, so I'm not sure she'll miss me much. Troy and I will have to "batch" it while she's gone.

Friday is fast approaching. I was talking to a couple of guys at work and it dawn on me that tomorrow is Thursday which means the following day is Friday. I still have a lot to do before we leave on Friday for Scotland.
I've managed to tick a few things off my list of things to do for Scotland this week. Still have a couple of things to do.
  • Buy new jeans
  • Buy new hiking shoes
  • Buy a new light windproof jacket
  • Buy a copy of Alice in Wonderland to read
  • Get a haircut
  • Load up the MP3 player
  • Buy film
  • Get the PSP charged up
  • Buy some UK power adapters and transformer kits
  • Laundry
  • Clean up the house a little
  • Pack
I'm sure I'm forgetting something. I'll probably remember it when I'm flying over the Atlantic.

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